Weekly Film: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Jurassic World is an adventure and science-fiction film released in 2018. It is a sequel to Jurassic World and the 5th film in the Jurassic World franchise. It was distributed by Universal Studios and Amblim entertainment- Stephen Spielberg's production company. After the fatal events of the last film, we return to the park for another Jurassic film. This time, returning characters Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) and Owen (Chris Pratt) have to return to the abandoned park in order to save the remaining dinosaurs from an exploding volcano.
Unlike the previous Jurassic World film, it relies less on nostalgia to the original 1993 Jurassic Park film. It tries to be its own story. However, I did notice some scenes that mirrored the previous one- mainly at the beginning of the film. Fallen Kingdom does initially seem very different to the others,with the human characters attempting to rescue the dinosaurs instead of running from them. That is until the third Act where once again Dr Henry Wu (again portrayed by B.D Wong) continues to try to play God and mix different dinosaur genes together to create another hybrid dinosaur named the Indoraptor ( a mix between a Velociraptor and the Indominus Rex from the last film) despite the catastrophic results of the Indominus.
I found the antagonist of the film slightly flat as he didn't have much character development seeming to only be fueled by money, a trait that has been seen many times before. I also thought that his idea of selling dinosaurs- whilst understanding that he does it for money- was clearly a terrible idea. I also thought that the revelation of who young character Maisie was should have had more of an impact into the main narrative as it had potential to be huge for everyone. It does slightly motivate a choice at the end but overall it felt like it was announced very quickly and the subject was swiftly changed. Once again I thought that Chris Pratt was a great and funny character with his line "if I die, remember you were the one that brought me here" particularly standing out as one of his best.
The film was created with a budget of $170 million and so far it has made $372 million dollars at the box office. The film received mixed reviews by critics and got 60% on Rotten Tomatoes. In this sequel, I did not find the stakes as high as the previous one. It did have a few moments that made me jump but not as much and I wasn't as worried about the fate of the characters. Honestly, I was more worried about Blue the Velociraptor than any of the human characters.
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