Weekly Film: Avengers: Infinity War
Weekly Film: Avengers: Infinity War Avengers: Infinity War is a film released in 2018 by Marvel. It is directed by Joe and Anthony Russo who also directed two other films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Captain America 2 and 3. The film is a huge culmination of 18 films and 10 years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It contains themes of: love, loss, power and sacrifice. As with the previous entries it is distributed by Walt Disney Studios. It had 2 unique selling points. The first is that Infinity War marks the first time that a feature-length movie has been filmed entirely on IMAX cameras. The 2nd is that the directors promised that several characters will be killed off which was something that fans wanted due to the argument that the films lack stakes if characters always survive. There are over 40 main characters in this film with pretty much every superhero from previous films making a return. These include: The Avengers, The Guardians of the Galaxy, Spider-man, Doc...