The Western Genre
The Western Genre The Western genre is traditionally set in 1800s Americas. The setting is very basic with a desert-like backdrop. The landscape often plays a huge part in the narrative of their films. Due to the time period in which they are set, there will often be common tropes of that time such as cowboys, sheriffs and Indians. There are also many characters that are stereotypically associated with the Western genre. The most obvious is the cowboy. He will usually be a law-abiding citizen who may also be considered an outcast among others. There will awesome be a main law-enforcer i.e. a Sheriff bringing order and justice to their town. The third main character usually associated with the Western genre is the damsel in distress. The last main character always seen are the villains. The film will often end in a huge duel between good and evil. 'No Country for Old Men' deals with these as Llewellen Moss is the cowboy-like figure, Bell is the Sheriff and Chigurh is...