Pan's Labyrinth.
Pan's Labyrinth The opening scene in Guillermo del Toro's 'Pan's Labyrinth' changes the common narrative structure. At first we are immediately given the setting of the film with the time and date of the film. It then has writing giving some more contextual information. The film itself starts with a close up panning shot of a young girl's dying body. There is a hint that this takes place at the end of the narrative as we see blood going back up into her nose almost as if time is being reversed. The film then cuts to a very long, wide shot of the Underworld. Del Toro has many scenes like these in the openings of his movies showing the realism that he wishes to show in these magical worlds. The world is portrayed as dark and gritty yet well-built. The camera then rises towards a light until it goes above ground showing the real world. The first thing we see is the ruins of an old building. This use of mise-en-scene can convey that the real world, our world...